Entropy, 58, 68,71, 181
Enzymatic necrosis, 122
Enzyme, 121, 587
covalent modification, 110
measurement of, 124
noncovalent (allosteric) modification,
allosteric, 111
allosteric regulation, 111
as analytical reagents, 128
as therapeutic agents, 130
catalysis, 85, 86
clinical applications, 121, 132
copper-dependent, 177
core, 566,
cyclooxygenase, 207
glycolytic, 226
immobilized, 128
immunoassay, 162
inhibition, 85, 92
irreversible, 98
reversible, 92
intracellular, 122
kinetics, 85
kinetics of two-substrate reactions, 92
mechanism of action, 105
irreversible-inhibition studies, 106
isotope exchange, 106
pH dependence, 106
mechanisms, 85
nonglycolytic, 57
regulatory, 109
types of regulation, 109
replacement therapy, 222
Enzyme immunoassay receptor, 130
Enzyme-SH group, 230
Enzyme-bound NAD+, 230
Enzyme-catalyzed reactions
rate of, factors governing, 86
Enzyme-inhibitor complex, 92
Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay,
se e
Enzyme-multiplied immunoassay
se e
Enzyme-substrate complex, 86, 97
of DNA replication, 548
Enzymopathic substances, 303
Eosinophils, 271, 808
Epidermolysis buflosa simplex, 588
Epimers, 135
Epinephrine, 280, 289, 291, 505, 700,
714, 762
synthesis of, 761
Epinephrine (E), 750
Epinephrine norepinephrine, 725
Epitestosterone, 785
Epithelial cells
columnar, 208
Epitopes, 808
ER, 795
ER-positive breast cancer, 797
Erb-B2, 611
Erectile dysfunction, 347
Ergocalciferol (vitamin D2), 880
Erythematosus, 827
Erythroblastosis fetalis, 696
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate, 955
Erythrocytes, 153, 159, 231, 233, 278,
300, 302
membranes, 163
shape, 164
Erythroleukemia (Di Guglielmo
syndrome), 661
Erythromycin, 583
Erythropoiesis, 788
Erythropoietic porphyrias, 688
Erythropoietic protoporphyria, 687, 689
Erythropoietin (EPO), 656, 722
E sch erich ia coli,
191,223, 564
enterotoxins, 223
regulation of pyrimidine nucleotide
biosynthesis in, 113
Esophagus, 197
Essential amino acids, 18, 214, 331, 332
Essential fatty acids (EFA), 388, 389
deficiency of, 389
Essential fructosuria, 296
Essential hypertension, 604
Essential pentosuria, 296
Essential trace elements, 894
Esterase, 86
Estriol formation, 797
Estrogen therapy, 62
Estrogens, 82, 702, 711,877, 889
biological effects, 795
Ethane, 52
Ethanol, 96, 236
abuse, 179
biochemical effects of, 378
consumption and hypoglycemia, 282
Ethinylestradiol, 800
Ethlers-Danlos syndrome, 586
Ethylene glycol, 96
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid
(EDTA), 36
Ethynodiol diacetate, 800
Etretinate, 907
Euchromatin, 555
Eukaryotic genes, 570
Eukaryotic mRNA
production of, 570
Eukaryotic mRNA synthesis, 569
Eukaryotic polymerases, 552
Eukaryotic ribosomes
chemical composition of, 576
Eukaryotic rRNA, 564
Exchange transfusions, 696
Excision repair, 556-558
Excitation-contraction coupling
(or E-C), 464
Exercise generating maximum power, 517
Exergonic, 68
Exocrine function, 201
Exocrine pancreatic secretion, 201
Exogenous gonadotropin treatment, 799
Exons, 85, 563, 565, 570
Exonuclease activities, 550
Exonuclease activities of polymerase, 550
Exonucleases, 530
3' exonuclease activity, 548
5' exonuclease activity, 548
Exopeptidases, 214
Exosulfatases, 187
Expressed sequence tags (ESTs), 539
Expression, 756
Extra arm (tRNA), 564
Extracellular matrix (ECM), 103, 476
Extracellular posttranslational
modification, 589
Extracellular potassium ions, 752
Extrahepatic tissues, 226
Extrinsic pathway, 854
Extrinsic pathway of coagulation
system, 854
F-actin, 480
AF508 mutation, 221
Fabry’s disease, 187,413
Facilitated diffusion, 212
Factor H, 830
Factor I, 830
Factor IX, 866
activation of, 856
Factor V (Leiden), 858
Factor VIII, 866
Factor Xa and heparin, 184
Factor XIII, 850, 870
Factor XIII (the plasma
protransglutaminase), 850
Factors II, VII, IX and X, 23
calcium homeostasis, 876
phosphate homeostasis, 876
se e
flavin adenine dinucleotide
FAD (flavin adenine dinucleotide), 93
FADH2, 241
Fadrozole, 707
Failure to thrive, 214, 298
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